Open deadline for applications until 30 June 2021

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Tuesday June 15th, 2021

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “IMPROVEMENT OF THE MARKETING MECHANISMS, ONLINE PROMOTION AND PROMOTION IN THE PRESENTIAL SALES CHANNEL FOR GALICIA TURISMO ACTIVO”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 30 June 2021 Download the sheets
Monday June 14th, 2021

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “CREATION AND CONSOLIDATION OF TOURIST PRODUCT LINKED OF THE WAY OF ST. JAMES DESIGNATED UN DESCANSO EN LOS CAMINOS”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 29 June 2021 Download the sheets
Tuesday June 8th, 2021

Awarded the service of “Organizing a national familiarisation trip with operators specialised in the MICE sector”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Successful bidder: Ana Trevisani S.L. Amount awarded: 24.700,00 euros
Tuesday June 8th, 2021

Awarded the service of “Creation and consolidation of a tourist product oriented to family tourism within the framework of the Galicia Destino Familiar seal of approval”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Successful bidder: Autoxiro Turismo S.L. Amount awarded: 22.000,00 euros