Tourism of Galicia and the Tourism Cluster will carry out a participatory diagnosis to understand the situation of the sector in Galicia

Tourism of Galicia and the Tourism Cluster will carry out a participatory diagnosis to understand the situation of the sector in Galicia

  • The process is expected to begin this week with consultation with sector agents through working groups distributed throughout the Galician geography.


Turismo de Galicia and the Tourism Cluster will prepare a strategic diagnosis of the sector, the result of which will allow establishing the starting point for tourism planning appropriate to the needs of the current context.


The diagnosis will be carried out through a participatory process, which will begin this week, and in which public and private agents in the sector will be able to present needs and challenges around the transformation of the tourist offer of the destinations. This participation will be articulated around 20 work tables distributed throughout Galician geography, which will allow information to be collected on the diversity of perspectives and challenges that tourism faces in different areas of the community. This information will be complemented with that collected through an online questionnaire aimed at the sector to accommodate all professionals in this field who want to participate.


Furthermore, in collaboration with the three Galician universities, a scientific analysis will be prepared on the supply, demand and value chain of the tourism sector in Galicia, analyzing at retail the resources that constitute part of its differential offer. This analysis will also address the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the sector in the period 2016-2023.


With this study, Turismo de Galicia and the Tourism Cluster seek to know the current picture of the sector at a time marked by changes in tourist habits, with trends marked by sustainability and digitalization. These issues will be addressed in the diagnosis along with other aspects such as the promotion and training of human resources, tourism concentration, the suitability of specific tax figures for tourism or the regulatory framework, among others.


The preparation of this strategic diagnosis is part of a collaboration agreement signed between both entities, and within the framework of Galicia’s commitment to consolidate itself as an excellent and sustainable tourist destination. The conclusions of the diagnosis will serve as a basis for the long-term strategic planning of tourism in Galicia, ensuring an adequate balance between economic growth and sustainability understood in the economic, environmental and social spheres.