Turismo industrial

Vigo hosts next week the First Congress of Industrial Tourism Galicia and northern Portugal, to be held on October 26 at the headquarters ARVI (Building Ramiro Gordejuela) in the fishing port of Vigo. Powered by Fundamar, the day will consist of two working panels, one dedicated to industrial tourism from the point of view of the opportunities for economic and social development which is for a territory while the second panel of experiences gather experience of industrial tuirsmo in Galicia and northern Portugal.

The day will also include desgutación of gastronomic products linked to the sea and a maritime route through the industrial heritage of the Vigo estuary. The day has financing Vigo City Council, the County Council of Pontevedra, Vigo and Porto Eurorrexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal.

For more information and registration: info@vigopesqueiro.com/ vigopesqueiro@fundamar.org

Thursday October 20th, 2016

Industrial tourism, protagonist of a conference in Vigo

Vigo hosts next week the First Congress of Industrial Tourism Galicia and northern Portugal, to be held on October 26 at the headquarters ARVI (Building Ramiro […]
Wednesday July 13th, 2016

Vigo commitment to industrial tourism linked to fishing past of the city to capture visitor flows

Driven by the Foundation for Fish and Shellfish (Fundamar) and directed by the Cooperative of Shipowners of Vigo (Arvi) and the UGT and CCOO unions, Vigo […]
Tuesday August 18th, 2015

68 empresas conforman la plataforma “Turismo Industrial en la provincia de A Coruña” para el impulso de un producto turístico innovador en la provincia

Impulsado por la Diputación coruñesa, su objetivo es demostrar que las visitas turísticas pueden ser un complemento para la actividad de las PYMEs y un factor […]
Tuesday February 3rd, 2015

Nuevas tecnologías y tradición, la apuesta de Ferrol en Fitur

El alcalde Ferrol, José Manuel Rey Varela, fue el encargado de presentar en Madrid un vídeo con los rincones más especiales y desconocidos de Ferrol y […]