
The Philatelic Society Miño has created a stamp, pre-framed postcards and commemorative postmarks on the occasion of the celebration of the fair

On the occasion of the next edition of Termatalia 2017, which will take place in Ourense on September 21 and 22, the organization in collaboration with the Philatelic, Numismatic and Vitoílica Miño Society has launched philatelic material that will allow the images of the Fair and the province of Ourense travel, by post, to any part of the World. Specifically, this is a stamp, two models of prepaid postcards and a postmark commemorating the next edition of the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Well-being with which it is intended to encourage visitors to the fair to send from Expourense A postcard (with a stamp and a personalized postmark) from Termatalia wherever they choose. This will make it easier for the image of the fair and the province to be promoted by the more than 25 countries that have already confirmed their presence in the next edition.

In addition, and for the first time in Termatalia, a Temporary Post Office will be installed that will have a mailbox to receive the letters that will travel around the world. In the same stand you can see a philatelic exhibition on the water and the thermalism of the members of the Philatelic, Numismatic and Vitofílica Miño Society. The special stamp Termatalia 2017 is printed by the National Factory of Coin and Stamp, of course completely legal, and is a limited edition, which increases its value. The image corresponds to the sculpture “Drop of Water” that is located outside the enclosure and has become a symbol of the fair.

Two prefabricated postcards are also published, the first to be issued from the capital of Ourense: one tariff A for domestic shipments and another, Tarifa C, for the rest of the world. The first postcard carries a picture of the fair and the second one presents destinations Tourist of the province of Ourense as the thermal area of ​​Outariz or the monastery of San Pedro de Rocas. For its part, the postmark consists of a drop of water that accompanied by the words water, thermalism, Termatalia and Ourense, in addition to the date of the fair.

Thursday August 31st, 2017

Termatalia 2017 will have its own postage stamp and a postmark

The Philatelic Society Miño has created a stamp, pre-framed postcards and commemorative postmarks on the occasion of the celebration of the fair On the occasion of […]
Monday August 7th, 2017

Work in progress to host Termatalia Brasil 2018 at Foz de Iguaçu

The director of the fair, Alejandro Rubín Carballo, and the general director of Iguaçú Fund, Carlos Silva, signed in Foz de Iguaçú the document that will […]
Monday June 12th, 2017

Termatalia and the Concello take to Ourense the celebration of the Global Wellness Day

With the aim of adding value to the city and the province as a destination of well-being, Termatalia, in collaboration with Ourense City Council, has promoted […]
Friday March 31st, 2017

Mexico will be the guest country in Termatalia 2017

The announcement took place in the presentation of the fair in the Tourism Tianguis of Acapulco Mexico will participate as a guest country in the next […]