Rutas del Vino de Galicia

The Association of Wine Routes of Spain places the only Galician route covered by ACEVIN at the head of the 27 Wine Routes of Spain in terms of management and planning. According to the audit of ACEVIN, Rías Baixas Wine Route obtains a score of 88 out of 100 in these two areas, an assessment that has taken into account aspects such as that it has a large and stable management team, external assistance And that achieves optimal results even without having a budgetary capacity as broad as other itineraries enoturísticos.

In general terms, the Rias Baixas Wine Route is the fourth oenological route with the best results in the audit process, obtaining a score of 80.6 out of 100, ahead of other Routes such as Ribera del Duero, Campo Borja or Rioja Alavesa. In front of Rías Baixas are only Ribera Guadiana, Somontano and Navarra, with scores of 85, 81.8 and 80.8, respectively. The total average score of 27 Wine Routes in Spain stands at 73.8, a figure that Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas exceeds by almost seven points.

The audits carried out between 2015 and 2016 on the Wine Routes of Spain have also taken into account other issues such as the quality of the destination, promotion and marketing, the oenology sector and tourism. In all of them, Rías Baixas is located, either in the average of the 27 Wine Routes of Spain, or above it. ACEVIN will carry out a new audit this year to the Rías Baixas Wine Route. This process is one of the requirements that all Wine Routes of Spain must pass in order to belong to this prestigious Product Club.

Monday February 6th, 2017

Rías Baixas is at the head of the Wine Routes of Spain in management and planning

The Association of Wine Routes of Spain places the only Galician route covered by ACEVIN at the head of the 27 Wine Routes of Spain in […]
Monday January 16th, 2017

Cluster Turismo Galicia presents in Fitur two joint projects of improvement of the Galician tourist offer

The Galician stand at the International Tourism Fair, Fitur, which will be held from 18 to 22 May in Madrid, will host the presentation of two […]
Tuesday October 18th, 2016

Enoturismo Galicia, the new umbrella brand for the wine routes of Galicia

Plaza de Abastos of Santiago de Compostela hosted the official presentation of the brand Enoturismo Galicia, that the Cluster Turismo Galicia has promoted collaboration with the […]
Thursday May 5th, 2016

New edition of the Open Days of Wine Routes of Galicia

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