producto turístico

With the aim of encouraging cooperation between small tour operators for the design, promotion and marketing of tourism products in Galicia, Turismo de Galicia has authorized aids whose application period ends on February 20.

Galician micro-enterprises located outside the 7 main cities can be accommodated according to the criteria set out in the summary attached hereto. The maximum eligible amount is 70% of the investment, up to 30,000 euros. For more information For more information you can contact Axencia Turismo de Galicia, in person, either through the mail or at the telephone numbers 981 54 74 04 and 981 54 63 64

Download the Help Summary

Thursday February 2nd, 2017

Tourism of Galicia opens a line of aid to small tour operators for the promotion of new products

With the aim of encouraging cooperation between small tour operators for the design, promotion and marketing of tourism products in Galicia, Turismo de Galicia has authorized […]
Saturday May 14th, 2016

New tourism product for the Salnés, Ruta del Padre Sarmiento

Throught intergovernmental cooperation and the recent agreement signed between Turismo de Galicia and the Mancomunidade do Salnés, this territory already has a new tourism product, Ruta del […]