Patrimonio da Humanidade

During a visit to the monastery of San Pedro de Rocas, Feijóo explained that the Ribeira Sacraa will have the maximum guarantees of protection since this summer, when they begin the process of the process for the BIC declaration of the area, previous step to become a Heritage of The Humanity. In this regard, he emphasized his confidence in the cooperation between all the administrations involved to bring this purpose to fruition. And it is that the Ribeira Sacra covers more than 36,000 hectares in 21 municipalities of two provinces, Lugo and Ourense.It should also be remembered that the Xunta has already sent to Unesco the documentation necessary for the Ribeira Sacra to begin its journey towards becoming part of the World Heritage, a declaration will imply an important economic and social revitalization for the area.

Regarding the monastery of San Pedro de Rocas, the oldest monastery in Galicia, Feijóo said that, after last year’s intervention in the mural, the Xunta will begin work to protect the room that houses the valuable mural paintings and Also rationalize visits to the monument, statements he made during a visit in which he was accompanied by the president of the Diputación de Ourense, Manuel Baltar.

Tuesday May 9th, 2017

Feijóo definitively compromises the BIC declaration of the Ribeira Sacra as a previous step to turn it into a World Heritage Site

During a visit to the monastery of San Pedro de Rocas, Feijóo explained that the Ribeira Sacraa will have the maximum guarantees of protection since this […]
Thursday August 18th, 2016

The entry into force of the Law on Cultural Heritage formalizes the Winter Way

Regional government, local authorities, associations of friends of the Camino de Santiago and other officials participated in an act of recognition of Winter Way as a new […]
Monday September 7th, 2015

Arte urbana para contribuir á difusión da candidatura da Ribeira Sacra a Patrimonio da Unesco

Co obxectivo de conectar a paisaxe e a historia da Ribeira Sacra o Consorcio de Turismo da Ribeira Sacra en colaboración con Turismo de Galicia veñen […]
Tuesday February 3rd, 2015

Miramos moi atentamente á Ribeira Sacra, que tamén presentou novo material audiovisual

Coa fin de presentar Mírame Ribeira Sacra, iniciativa enfocada a dar a coñecer este espazo de grande riqueza natural, patrimonial e cultural, desprazouse ata Madrid a […]