marinas de galicia

The project, aimed at communicating the complementary offer to rural tourism, was promoted by FEGATUR, Association of Tourist Guides, Marinas de Galicia and the shipping companies Mar de Ons and Piratas de Nabia

The campaign RURAL TOURISM, NOW ALSO, promoted by the Cluster Turismo Galicia in collaboration with the Galician Federation of Rural Tourism, Marinas de Galicia, Association of Touristic Guides of Galicia and the shipping companies Mar de Ons and Piratas de Nabia, comes to the end after eleven weeks of drawings, activities and prizes. The initiative, which was created with the aim of promoting the destination of Galicia through rural tourism and its complementary offer, has made it possible for the the national public to make known the complementary offer that can be enjoyed in Galicia.

After their promotion in social networks and the 4 raffles made (1 in social networks and 3 before notary) there have been more than 55 prize winners who have enjoyed their stay in rural tourism houses and complementary activities with which to discover the Offer presented by our community.
A high percentage of the prizes have gone to people from outside Galicia who had visited our community during the summer season and for whom this draw will allow them to return to our territory at this time, thus contributing to the deseasonalization of national tourism, which was another of the objectives that the project was looking for.

Fam trip on the Costa da Morte
The last of the actions of the project has been a fam trip organized in Costa da Morte and in which three tour operators participated; One national and two international ones (Portugal and Australia) that during three days have realized activities of hiking, shellfish or a thermal circuit and have visited places like museums, lighthouses or markets. An aspect that is of interest to the tour operators who visit us is also our gastronomy which was also one of the attractions of this weekend and has been focused on Galician products.

Wednesday November 16th, 2016

More than fifty winners and a fam trip put the end to the rural tourism campaign

The project, aimed at communicating the complementary offer to rural tourism, was promoted by FEGATUR, Association of Tourist Guides, Marinas de Galicia and the shipping companies […]
Wednesday September 21st, 2016

Rural tourism, now also jointly promote rural tourism and its complementary offer a fam trip and raffles

The initiative, promoted by the Tourism Cluster Galicia, seeks to create synergies in the sector and improve the marketing of the offer TuRISica Marina of Vilagarcía […]
Tuesday December 1st, 2015

Marinas de Galicia y Asnauga promoverán junto a Turismo de Galicia la oferta náutica gallega en París

Con el objetivo de promover la oferta náutica en nuestra comunidad y seguir dando a conocer las instalaciones náutico recreativas gallegas, la Asociación de Empresas Concesionarias […]