Through 3D glasses, augmented reality and immersed video recording, which aim to offer a unique, more didactic and sensorial experience, the tourist offices are taking another step forward through advanced technologies with the first virtual demonstration centre in Galicia. Located in Foz, Mariña Virtual will allow the visitor to get to know the region with up to five different experiences: from the air, travel through time interacting with historical figures and sharing experiences with other travelers through social networks.
The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, inaugurated the new facilities located at CENIMA in Foz with which A Mariña is incorporated into the “world tourism network”, as stated by the president who highlighted the commitment of the Xunta for quality tourism. During a visit to the facilities of the virtual office of Tourism of A Mariña lucense, Feijóo said that this initiative is aligned with the Tourism Strategy of Galicia 2020. Not in vain, among the objectives of this roadmap are the improvement of access to the Internet in tourist points and establishments; the marketing and management through ICT tools; the use of the Internet for visitor service; the improvement of knowledge of the profile of visitors through Big Data; and the promotion of sectoral innovation processes. It should be noted that the Xunta de Galicia financed the initiative with an investment of 240,000 euros by virtue of a collaboration agreement between Turismo de Galicia, the Galician Agency for Rural Development (Agader), the General Secretariat of the Presidency and the Council of Foz.
The event was also attended by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, and mayors and institutional representatives of the region who stressed that the ultimate goal is to promote the number of real visitors to all councils in the region