Sixteen municipalities in the province of Lugo will join the professional network promoted by the County Council to promote the territory of Os Ancares and O Courel as a destination for scientific tourism, in which also take place companies and universities through researchers from different branches. Their active participation will be facilitated through a digital forum.

In the presentation of this project, which was held this August, intervened the head of the area of Tourism of the Diputación de Lugo, Pilar Garcia Porto, and Maite Vence Fernandez, representative of Observer Science Tourism, an entity specializing in the implementation of models of scientific tourism in protected natural areas.

Pilar García Porto described the project as a “platform for dissemination, cooperation, design and planning of new strategies that position this area of the province of Lugo as a differentiated tourist destination, based on sustainability and linked to nature tourism and science.

This network was planned within the Strategic Tourism Plan of the Province of Lugo 2017-2020 in which the Provincial Council began to work in August 2018 with funding of about 70,000 euros. Since then progress has been made in the training and accreditation of 25 specialized guides, the celebration of the first Xornada of Scientific Tourism and the organization of routes on geology, fauna or astronomy, which were open to the general public. The Provincial Council also financed a promotional video and a digital route guide.

Monday September 2nd, 2019
turismo cientifico lugo

Lugo Provincial Council promotes a network to promote scientific tourism in O Courel

Sixteen municipalities in the province of Lugo will join the professional network promoted by the County Council to promote the territory of Os Ancares and O […]
Friday July 12th, 2019

Open deadline to participate in the new edition of the Lugo Tapas Competition

The Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businessmen of Lugo (Apehl) is already organizing the fifteenth edition of the Lugo Tapas Contest, sponsored by the City […]
Monday July 8th, 2019

Xunta will assume the rehabilitation of the tower-house of A Tinería, in Lugo, to turn it into a space linked to the enogastronomic tourism

Casa- Torre de A Tinería, in Lugo, also known as the old San Miguel hospital and property of the Xunta, will become a centre for the […]
Wednesday April 17th, 2019

The APEHL and the Provincial Council of Lugo present the gastronomic exaltations days to be developed until the end of the year

The Exaltaciones Gastronómicas conference, organized by the Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businesses of Lugo (Apehl) in collaboration with the County Council of Lugo, will […]