Galician hotels received during the month of June nearly 460,000 travelers, 7.88% more than in the same period last year. As for the number of overnight stays, the figure is 6.61% higher than in June 2018.

This is apparent from data released today by the National Statistics Institute (INE), which also reveal the increase in international travelers in our community. In fact Galicia got the best foreign tourist data in its history for this period, experiencing an increase of 19%.

In the absence of collecting data for travelers and overnight stays recorded in the rest of the types of accommodation (rural tourism establishments, tourist apartments, hostels and campsites), Galicia has received about 460,000 travelers in June and exceeds 1.8 million visitors in the first half of the year.

As for the average stay – of the almost 870,000 overnight stays among the total number of travelers – the figure continues at 1.89, similar to previous years.

The Galician tourism sector improved in profitability figures

The sector also saw its results improve from an economic point of view. In the case of Galicia, the HPI (Hotel Price Index) grew by more than 4% according to INE statistics.

On the other hand, the improvement in the Average Daily Rate (ADR) stands out, which in June of this year stood at 58 euros, as well as the average income per room (RevPAR) rising to 27.45 euros.

In spite of everything, the data for the month of June reveal an occupation of around 42%, leaving our community in the queues.

Friday July 26th, 2019
Coyuntura hotelera_junio

Good numbers of travellers and overnight stays at the beginning of the summer in Galicia, which already exceed the data of 2018, according to the survey of hotel occupancy of the INE

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Thursday June 27th, 2019

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