IFEVI, the Exhibition Center of Vigo, will have an extension of 5000 square meters that will allow you to count a new pavilion and a greater exhibition space. After approval by the Council of the Xunta, the work, which will involve an investment of 4.1 million euros, depends on the transfer of land by the Council of Vigo. The work, by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, already has favorable reports from both the city council and the different sectoral bodies and will increase the competitiveness of the fairgrounds in Vigo, in a clear commitment to consolidate events of so much important like Conxemar or Navalia.

The works will be tendered by the Galician Agency of Infrastructures and will maintain the current configuration of the installations adding a pavilion annexed to the pavilion number 2 that will have an area of ​​5000 m 2. It is estimated that the enlargement will have an impact on the hotel and hotel sectors in Vigo of more than two million euros per year. Ifevi hosts important events such as Conxemar, which in 2016 included 583 exhibitors from 43 different countries, or Navalia, which plans to gather more than 25,000 professionals and 500 exhibitors from around the world in its seventh edition, scheduled for May 2018. These improvements will open up new business opportunities, benefiting the whole economic fabric of both the region and Galicia, and strategic sectors such as fishing, canning or naval. The Ifevi expansion works give continuity to the works already carried out by the Xunta, which since 2005 invested 11.5 million euros in the site to boost the modernization and improvement of the facilities.

Tuesday June 20th, 2017

Xunta approves the expansion of IFEVI to consolidate reference events such as Conxemar or Navalia

IFEVI, the Exhibition Center of Vigo, will have an extension of 5000 square meters that will allow you to count a new pavilion and a greater […]