Galicia Open Future

Until April 15 is open the deadline for companies and starup who wish to participate in the new edition of Galicia Open Future, the project promoted by Telefonica and Xunta de Galicia through the Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia (AMTEGA) and the Ministry of Economy and Industry for mentorizar the development of 50 innovative business projects.

With a duration of six initial months later may be extended for periods of 3 months, the entrepreneurs who are part of the project are trained and specialized training adapted to the different stages of maturation of their business project. The aim of the platform is to connect entrepreneurs, starup and public and private organizations worldwide through open innovation program Open Future Telefónica, which is part of Galicia through the incentive program of the regional government.

Those projects beyond the initial phase and will be considered by a jury of experts as the top three for their degree of innovation, contribution to the Galician strategic sectors, maturity and viability may receive aid from the Galician Axencia Innovation GAIN up to 25,000 euros to be allocated to the development of the project. If your project fits or you are interested in participating can register for the program through its website.

Thursday March 31st, 2016

Open deadline for startup projects in Galicia Open Future

Until April 15 is open the deadline for companies and starup who wish to participate in the new edition of Galicia Open Future, the project promoted by […]
Thursday June 25th, 2015

Galicia Open Future presenta o vindeiro 2 de xullo a súa segunda edición

O equipo de Galicia Open Future presentará a iniciativa Telefónica Open Future e o seu programa de aceleración de startups en Galicia que dará comezo o […]
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015

Galicia open future impulsa no Gaiás tres proxectos de innovación turística

Este centro de emprendemento impulsado pola Xunta e Telefónica reúne 50 proxectos de emprendedores entre os que se atopan Bluscus, Ubiplay Mobile e Creappcuentos O Centro […]