According to data from Frontur, Spain received 10.2 million international tourists in August, 1.9% less than in the same month in 2017. With this data maintains the path of slight falls detected in previous months, to decrease the arrival of travelers from the two main issuing markets, United Kingdom and Germany, so this year will not reach or exceed the record of foreign tourism set in 2017.

However, as a positive note, the report on tourism expenditure, also prepared by the INE as Frontur, states that the total expenditure of international tourists visiting Spain in 2017 will not exceed the record for foreign tourism marked in 2017. August increased by 1.8% in comparison with the same month in 2017, bringing average daily spending to 139 euros, 10.7% more than in August 2017.

Thus, although the total number of international travelers fell, their total expenditure increased to reach 11,539 million euros, representing an increase of 1.8% over the same month in 2017. And is that the international tourist who visit Spain in August spends an average of about 1,131 euros in their stay, with an annual increase of 3.7%, but does not increase their days of stay, which are around eight days on average, so it detects a tourist of greater added value.  During the first eight months of 2018 the total expenditure of international tourists has increased by 2.8% over the same period last year, reaching 62,230 million euros spent by the 57.3 million foreign tourists who chose Spain, a figure that represents a slight fall in the accumulated international tourists of just 0.1%, according to the Statistics of Tourist Movements in Frontiers (Frontur).

The United Kingdom was the main issuing market in August with 2.2 million tourists, followed by France and Germany being Catalonia the main destination for tourists in August, with 23.9% of the total, although the number of international visitors – 2.4 million – fell 5% over August 2017. The second destination was the Balearic Islands, where 2.3 million tourists arrived, 2% less than a year ago, and the third, Andalusia, with 1.4 million tourists and an annual increase of 1.1%.

Wednesday October 3rd, 2018

International tourism that arrives in Spain falls but its average expenditure rises

According to data from Frontur, Spain received 10.2 million international tourists in August, 1.9% less than in the same month in 2017. With this data maintains […]
Monday July 31st, 2017

Increased the number of foreign tourists who came to Galicia in June

In June, Galicia received 148.184 international tourists, most of them from Portugal, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, the latter of which increased considerably the number […]
Thursday September 1st, 2016

Summer record for the Galician tourism sector that breaks ceiling with 700,000 visitors in July

Before to close the August, Galicia has exceeded 5 million overnights in the year to date, 1.7 million alone in this July Our community mark four consecutive […]
Friday July 24th, 2015

Novo máximo histórico de turistas estranxeiros en Galicia

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