Galicia ranks 7th with the best growth forecasts for the fourth quarter of the year

The report also includes the conclusions of the year, with good results for coastal territories.

While in Spain falls the forecast of tourism activity in some of their territories, in Galicia three out of four entrepreneurs in the sector plan to maintain or improve their results this autumn, according to the latest report by Exceltur on Tourism Outlook, which reflects that the Galician territory does not expect to be affected by elements that have contributed to unbalance the tourism sector in other national territories, such as the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook or the uncertainty arising from Brexit.

The report prepared by the hotel employers also indicates that Galicia is the seventh Community with the best expectations, according to Exceltur, Alliance for Tourist Excellence, which represents the relevant companies in the sector. The forecasts of improvement are generalized in most of the autonomies, although the expectations of the Galician sector exceed by far the Spanish average, which stands at 56%. Similarly, the Index of Business Tourism Confidence in the Accommodation Sector (ICTUR) is located in our Community in positive, at 7.9% compared to the negative value -3.8% recorded at state level.

Thus, inland destinations such as the communities of Castilla-La Mancha and Navarra, along with large cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia or some other Andalusian, contemplate the best growth prospects for the sector for this year, although with more moderate increases, according to the Exceltur survey while destinations such as the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands foresee significant declines, especially due to the effect of the crisis generated by Thomas Cook. Exceltur has again revised downwards its estimate of growth in tourism activity for this year. Now it would reach 1.4% starting from 1.6% with July calculations, given the worst evolution of foreign demand and the resurgence of competing destinations, along with the unfavorable impact of the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook and a lower dynamism of Spanish demand.

Summer balance
The Exceltur report also includes the assessment of tourism entrepreneurs for the third quarter of the year, corresponding to the summer months. In this period, the Community sector perceived a generalised increase in the main indicators analysed (employment, profits, sales, reservations and prices), highlighting especially the results obtained in cities such as Coruña (15.9% with respect to July-August 2018) and on the coast of the communities of Green Spain, which has also been favoured by Spanish demand and, although in lesser volume, by the good behaviour of foreign companies in these territories. This is the case of Costa da Morte (the RevPar rises +20.7%), the Rías Altas (+20.5%), the Costa Lucense (+12.0%), the Costa Guipuzcoana (+6.5%), the Costa Vizcaína (+4.7%) and the Costa Verde (2.4%) and the Rías.
Baixas (+0.5%).

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