Estratega turística

Mayors of the 14 municipalities were present at the launch of the tourism area strategy website.

El Pazo de Cea in Nigrán hosted the presentation of the website which will include the tourism strategy of the geodestino Ría de Vigo e Baixo Miño, which brings together 14 municipalities in this territory: A Guarda, Baiona, Fornelos de Montes, Gondomar, Mos, Nigrán, O Porriño, O Rosal, Oia, Pazos de Borbén, Redondela, Soutomaior, Tomiño and Tui. The website is one more step in the development of the roadmap that is being proposed to value the heritage and resources of this territory, with the aim of developing new tourism products. The definition of this strategy will also allow to develop a unified and homogeneous tourism management of the geodestino, coordinating the different municipalities from the respect to the singularity of each one of them, improving their competitiveness and the commercialization through the development of tourist products based on the specialization and differentiation of the tourism area in the search of tourists of quality, respectful with the environment and with a greater capacity of expense.

The website presented collects the principles of this tourist route map for the geodestino, which has the backing of Turismo de Galicia, for which an X-ray of the current situation of the sector in this  tourism area is being carried out through the involvement of the municipalities and the main interest groups involved, in order to obtain an optimal X-ray of the current situation of the sector that serves as a starting point when defining strategies in the short, medium and long term. In addition, the implementation of this website aims to open this participatory process to citizens and any professional who wants to make their contribution.

Tourism area in growth

Due to its strategic situation and its patrimonial, natural and cultural resources, the geodestino Ría de Vigo e Baixo Miño has a wide variety of resources that facilitate the articulation of tourist product, which is favoured by its situation for the attraction of international tourism originating from Portugal. It is also a territory that has grown in the main hotel indicators in 2018, with year-on-year increases in the number of travellers (+11.31%) and overnight stays (+2.72%, already around half a million nights), placing Ría de Vigo and Baixo Miño as the second geodestine in Galicia in volume of hotel demand, only surpassed by Ría de Arousa.

In the last stretch of the year will begin to develop effectively the first guidelines emanating from this tourism strategy, with the ultimate goal of creating the right ecosystem for tourism companies tourismo areas put on the market new products in 2020.

Tuesday May 7th, 2019

Ría de Vigo e Baixo Miño advances in the strategy of valuing its history and landscapes in order to differentiate its tourist offer.

Mayors of the 14 municipalities were present at the launch of the tourism area strategy website. El Pazo de Cea in Nigrán hosted the presentation of the […]