Costa da Morte

The Local Action Groups of the Fishing Sector (GALP) Costa da Morte and Sustainable Coast chose the locality of Caión to develop the closing day of Morada Atlántica, an inter-territorial and transnational cooperation project financed by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund and focused on the exploitation of marine culture as an element of union, promotion and exchange between the different Atlantic coastal areas.
Morada Atlántica is an initiative that aims to enhance the value of culture and the tangible and intangible heritage of seafarers, using gastronomy as the guiding thread. Under an experiential, emotional and relational sphere, the aim is to turn tourism into a unique market of emotions. For this purpose, Morada Atlántica has included the preparation of a recipe book on Atlantic cuisine, the creation of a network of hoteliers and the setting up of a network of Atlantic museum spaces, in cooperation with Portugal, actions explained by the manager of the GALP Costa da Morte, Guillermo González. “We never thought about reaching what we came up with with this project, which has just started and we hope it will continue to grow for several years,”he explained. In this regard, he said that Canarian, Andalusian and French Brittany entities were already interested in being part of it.

Round table discussion
The conference also included a round table on gastronomy, culture and tourism, which addressed the current reality of the Atlantic coast of Galicia and northern Portugal, exposing the strengths and offering possible solutions to the issues that could be improved by professionals from different sectors. This part of the event was attended by Antonio Leandro, advisor to the president of the Portuguese municipality of Ilhavo, Francisco González, president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Fernando Agrasar, Michelin Star chef at the Las Garzas restaurant, José Manuel Vázquez, head of the Museo de la Memoria Marinera de Porto do Son, and Marta Valcárcel, a blogger specializing in tourism.
The Director General of Fisheries Development, Susana Rodriguez, closed the event by stressing the “importance of cooperation to create the ties that make Morada Atlántica grow, a project based on important and outstanding aspects such as gastronomy, tourism and Atlantic sea culture”.


Friday December 15th, 2017

Caión hosted the closing ceremony of the Morada Atlántica project promoted by the GALP Costa da Morte and Sustainable Coast.

The Local Action Groups of the Fishing Sector (GALP) Costa da Morte and Sustainable Coast chose the locality of Caión to develop the closing day of […]
Wednesday April 20th, 2016

O Camiño dos Faros at 360 degrees

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Thursday January 21st, 2016

La Vuelta Ciclista, a gastronomía, o turismo astronómico ou a realidade aumentada, protagonistas da primeira xornada de Galicia en Fitur

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