
DOG collects the call for the habilitation of specialized tourist guides, convened by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with the aim of continuing the process of professionalization and commitment to excellence in the care of travelers. The tests will be directed both for people who want to be accredited for the first time and for those who, already with the qualification, want to extend it to other languages.

In order to qualify as a new specialized tourist guide in Galicia, it will be necessary to pass three qualifying exercises. The first will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire of 80 multiple-choice questions on a subject referred to the geography, history and culture of Galicia, to itineraries and tourist resources in the Community as well as on legislation.

The second exercise will consist of a translation of a text from Spanish into Galician and a translation from Galician into Spanish. The third will focus on the foreign language with a translation in both directions – from Spanish to the foreign language and vice versa – and a second part that will include a conversation on some of the topics of the program with the members of the court or with the people who assist them in each of the languages requested.

English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Russian will be assessed. For the rest of the languages requested by the interested persons, depending on the number of applications submitted and the assessment of the tourist demand for each language, the Consellería de Cultura y Turismo reserves the right to determine whether or not they will be the object of evaluation.

Applicants who wish to take the examinations must hold one of the following qualifications: advanced vocational training, university degree or diploma, official university master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, major diploma in hotel management and management, diploma in hotel management or higher diploma in hotel management. In addition, they must accredit their command of the official languages of Galicia and of a foreign language, unless they choose to take the corresponding language test.

Language tests
Candidates who wish to obtain their qualification for the first time may be exempted from the second test by providing the Celga 4 certificate or equivalent and, in the case of foreigners, a copy of a diploma in Spanish of at least level B2. For the exemption of the third exercise they must present the certificate issued by the competent organism in a level of knowledge, as minimum to the level B2 diera foreign language. Professionals with a valid qualification as Galician tourist guides who wish to be qualified for languages other than those listed therein will only have to pass the corresponding language tests.

Applications and documentation for these tests should preferably be sent electronically using the standard form available at the Electronic Headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia and the deadline for receiving the documentation will be one month from 28 May.

Applicants can download the syllabus and find out about all the requirements and documentation in the DOG call for applications.


Tuesday May 28th, 2019

The tests of habilitation of new guides of tourism specialized in Galicia have been summoned

DOG collects the call for the habilitation of specialized tourist guides, convened by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with the aim of continuing the process […]
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