With the aim of continuing to make progress in the promotion of a quality tourism sector, Turismo de Galicia and the Clúster Turismo de Galicia have signed a new collaboration agreement for an amount of 150 thousand euros for the promotion throughout 2018 of the implementation and/or renewal of the brand Q for Tourism Quality, as well as the dissemination and promotion of tourism services in Galicia with this brand.

This agreement sets the objective of achieving a minimum of 20 new companies certified with this quality seal, in addition to maintaining the number of certifications obtained to date as far as possible. Thus, the quantitative objective of this agreement is set at a minimum of 217 entities with the Quality Q mark. The new establishments or activities in the process of first certification must be distributed evenly throughout the Galician territory, and may belong to the following sectors: Hotels, spa hotels, campsites and holiday towns, rural tourism accommodation, industrial tourism, travel agencies, OPCs, conference centres, nautical tourism, active tourism, golf courses, restaurants, cafés and bars, nightlife, tourist transport and health tourism services.

The agreement will result in support for the voluntary implementation of this seal among the companies registered with the REAT, offering advice to companies and preparation activities to be able to pass the external audit necessary for the subsequent achievement of the Q for tourism quality. Actions in those Galician establishments or entities belonging to subsectorial groups at a national level, whose certification or renewal is carried out through the multi-site modality at a national level, will not be considered eligible actions. Similarly, publicly managed tourism services and products are excluded.

Tuesday August 28th, 2018

Tourism of Galicia and the Cluster Tourism of Galicia sign an agreement for the promotion of the Q for Quality

With the aim of continuing to make progress in the promotion of a quality tourism sector, Turismo de Galicia and the Clúster Turismo de Galicia have […]
Friday April 27th, 2018

Tourism of Galicia signs a new agreement with the Cluster to support the associationism of the Galician tourism sector

The Cluster Tourism of Galicia and the Agency of Tourism of Galicia have signed an agreement to promote the associationism in the Galician tourism sector by […]
Thursday May 26th, 2016

150,000 euros for advocacy and improved communication Arousa Norte Destination

Tourism Galicia will allocate a total of 150,000 euros for the momentum in promoting the Mancomunidad de Arousa Norte, especially with regards to new technologies as an […]
Wednesday November 19th, 2014

Apoyo del Clúster Turismo de Galicia al turismo termal

El CTG estuvo presente en la firma del convenio entre la Xunta y Deputación de Ourense en O Carballiño para contribuir a seguir desarrollando un sector […]