Cluster Turismo Extremadura

Tenerife hosted the eighth edition of Fi2, the innovation and technology forum of the Canary Islands, which this year was dedicated to tourism

The Galician Tourism Cluster actively participated in the Tourism Competitiveness Forum

Under the principle that continuous innovation in the tourism sector has an impact on improving the competitiveness and productivity of the tourism system, the fairgrounds in Tenerife recently hosted Fi2, the largest innovation and technology forum held in the Canary Islands, which this year reached its eighth edition focusing on the tourism sector. More than fifty companies based in the Canary Islands and eight university projects met in this forum in which more than seven thousand people took part in tourism and technological advances.

The Fi2 Forum, conceived as a meeting point around innovation and the development of new products, seeking synergies and intermediation that will allow greater value to be given to the products, served to advance new trends in the tourism sector through conferences, talks and round tables with different experts, in addition to tackling different success stories at a national level, as well as the possible implementation of new tourism business formulas in the Canary Islands.

During the forum, the Tourism Competitiveness Forum was also held, which became a meeting place for the main national clusters. The Galician Tourism Cluster was also present at the event, invited by the Tourism Innovation Cluster of Tenerife, in an intercluster meeting attended by representatives of the Cluster Rural Tourism of Asturias, Spanish Network of Accessible Tourism, Andalusia Smart City, Balears. t (Balears and tourism), Cluster Innova Gran Canarias and the Cluster Turismo de Extremadura in an act that served to advance cooperation between clusters of

During the event, there was also a debate on the sustainability of a tourism model such as the Canary Islands and the feasibility of continuing to increase the number of tourists that the islands receive annually and, in this sense, the participants stressed the need for a commitment on the part of the public and private sector and society as a whole to work for sustainability as a “way of life”. In this way, the Tenerife 2030 Area wishes to highlight the need to focus on sustainable tourism growth in line with the Island and its society.

Wednesday October 4th, 2017

Innovation, key to improving the competitiveness of a tourism sector, among the conclusions of the Fi2 Forum

Tenerife hosted the eighth edition of Fi2, the innovation and technology forum of the Canary Islands, which this year was dedicated to tourism The Galician Tourism […]
Monday November 24th, 2014

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