The Consortium of Bussiness of Sanxenxo held an open public presentation to inform the Decree regulating the Tourist Housing, still pending approval by the regional government, but for the first time regulate tourist use of private homes. Although the Decree includes the regulation that affects both apartments, as tourist homes are homes for tourist use which generated a greater number of questions and doubts among the participants to talk.
The director of Competitiveness of Tourism Galicia, José Luis Maestro Castiñeiras, was asked to give a presentation focused on this third type, homes for tourist use, establishing what is meant by this type of housing and what requirements must be met to take that into consideration and tourist channels. In this sense, Maestro Castiñeiras stressed that the drafting of this regulation has followed the rules of Catalonia, “because we believe that ensures a balance between customers and renters and is the longest running. Other regulations such as Madrid or Andalucia, for example, are more restrictive and are appealed”, he said.
The presentation served for potential stakeholders to register their homes in a new use, tourism, knew the necessary documentation required for this and the requirements to be met by the housing. Notably it understood as homes for tourist use all those in which the transfer of use is less than 30 consecutive days or that yield two or máis times within a year. rent for rooms is not allowed, but it is rented housing together.
Following the adoption of Decree be given a period of six months for those affected by this change in regulation may register in the register of homes for tourist use, although the head of Tourism of Galicia said that is not in the mood the Xunta proceed with systematic inspections of these houses although the PRODIA have if complaints against them or irregularities are detected. In this case, the penalty regime which would apply would be the same as that of tourist establishments.
During the conversation a number of questions concerning resolved heating in homes, accessibility, installation or elevators, obligation to travel registration, rules of use, etc.