
Pround of Galicia campaign, launched in mid-August by the Cluster Turismo Galicia, reaches a participation rate of more than one hundred thousand people in two months. Their drivers qualify the results of these first sixty days as a success, with about a thousand photos collected in experiences. Social networks are the main stage of this initiative, in which Galicians and love of this land upload photos to the web community and interact to achieve a monthly prize.
Facebook is the leading social environment of the project, in which every day the photos that the “presumidores” share with pride, providing her favorite spots in the region is. More than fifty thousand people share their passion for Galicia on this network, highlighting snapshots beaches, sunsets, waterfalls, ponds and rivers, which are the most frequent. The community in Facebook, which began operating last year in a first phase of the campaign, has increased in the last two months to 20,000 new fans who share their corners and pride in this land.

“The high participation data show that the message has liked in social media because all communities Pround of Galicia created in these social platforms have reaped very good results,” says the president of the Cluster Turismo Galicia, Francisco Gonzalez, he also noted that the web already has about 500 users and photographic base already has 1,082 photos, which have already received more than fifty thousand visitors in two months.

Until end of year
The community is essentially made up of people who want to know, through images, special places that propose other users. Social networks also encourage the feeling of passion for Galicia, which is the common denominator of all participants, resident or not in the region. From the Cluster Turismo Galicia emphasize this point, it was always one of the goals of the campaign: to get thousands of ambassadors to recommend different tourist spots.
The campaign, which will run until the end of the year, also includes awards for “presumidores” community. Each month a prize for the user who receives more applause (points) on the web is delivered, so already delivered two monthly awards and December participants will compete asking their contacts to “applaud” their images and get special breaks in different parts of Galicia.
At year’s end user who has won more applause will win a camera Go Pro. The evolution of the votes can be seen in the “most voted photos” web community where daily, weekly, monthly rankings and annual encourage competitiveness and thus the viral nature of the campaign.

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