calidad turística

In order to continue to give impetus to the SICTED project in Ferrol, the companies that already participate in this program attended this week to a training session that served to them for the renewal of the stamp in autumn. In the same way in Pontevedra the companies were presented with an advice plan with the intention of making the province a reference as a tourist destination through the implementation of this quality certification system.

As it is a program in continuous renewal, each company must continue working on a plan for continuous improvement. Currently Ferrol has a total of 30 companies certified under this seal while the province of Pontevedra has a total of 203 companies with this distinction promoted by the Ministry of Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). The initiative works with companies / tourist services with the ultimate goal of improving the experience and satisfaction of the tourist. All participating companies have the deadline of May to finalize their projects so that they can renew the seal in the fall.

In this sense the City of Ferrol, through the Municipal Tourism Company, has decided to give a boost to SICTED tourism quality project for Destino Ferrol, where it has been working for more than five years. The councilman, Suso Basterrechea, has encouraged entrepreneurs and hoteliers to join the SICTED as a sign of the quality they offer, in this new phase of the project that reactivated this February. In the case of Pontevedra, the Diputación will make an investment of 100,000 euros within two years for advice to companies throughout the process of implementation and renewal of the badge. The forecast for this year is to reach 250 awards, since the goal is to increase certified entities by 25%, as noted by Tourism Minister Santos Hector.

The emblem, increasingly recognized and valued by tourists, has a validity of two years and is being renewed. In Ferrol the project does not have cost for the participating companies, since it is subsidized by the Joint Society of Tourism of Ferrol, participated by the City council. Currently there are 204 destinations in Spain that are part of the SICTED, 5456 distinguished companies and other 3620 companies adhered to the project, but have not yet achieved the distinction, reportedly on the web In Galicia, in addition to Ferrol, work in the SICTED Sanxenxo, Bayonne, destination Pontevedra-Rías Baixas (through the Diputación) and Guitiriz.

Thursday February 23rd, 2017

Ferrol retakes the project to distinguish the tourist quality and Pontevedra also implements an advice plan to achieve more SICTED

In order to continue to give impetus to the SICTED project in Ferrol, the companies that already participate in this program attended this week to a […]
Friday August 19th, 2016

Xunta and Spa Cluster sign an agreement to create the brand Auga Galicia that will boost international recognition of this product

The Galician regional government, through the department of Economy, Employment and Industry, has signed an agreement with the Mineral and Thermal Water Cluster amounting to 60,000 euros that […]
Tuesday April 12th, 2016

New distinctions SICTED for Sanxenxo, who also gave their own awards for Quality

A total of 43 companies of Sanxenxo received their distinctive SICTED, 17 of them for the first time, which accredits this pontevedrés concello as the Galician […]
Friday September 25th, 2015

Los socios del Clúster se beneficiarán de una reducción del 60% en la tarifa de inscripción para el Congreso Internacional de Calidad Turística

Los asociados del Clúster podrán beneficiarse de una tarifa especial para asistir al III Congreso Internacional de Calidad Turística. Elige calidad. Evita Riesgos”, que se celebra […]