The Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Galicia lived from 12 to Tuesday 14 an event that summed congress, fair and workshop with international tour operators

The second edition of Fairway, Forum del Camino de Santiago, was held at the Palacio de Congresos e Exposicións de Compostela from 12 to 14 November, with the goal of being a meeting point for all professionals and those interested in their routes. Thus, the open congress had a total of 8 tables in which more than a dozen national and international experts met to address the phenomenon of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago from different aspects: history, accessibility, links with other cultural itineraries, etc. In addition, and for the first time, FairWay held sectoral round tables, which were developed in parallel with the rest of the programming and were used to enable companies and institutions to show the aspects that most concerned them in the different ways. In all of them, associates and representatives of the Cluster were present, offering their experience and appreciation.
In addition, the Galician Tourism Cluster also participated in the fair space, with its own stand in which information was offered on tourism products developed in collaboration with its partners, some of which also participated in the fair, such as the Galician Guides Association, AGALBER or the Association of Tourism Costa da Morte CMAT.
Finally, a large number of companies participated in the workshop held during FairWay, which led to trade exchange meetings with more than 25 international tour operators from 14 different countries: Colombia, Norway, Ireland, Brazil, Uruguay, Portugal, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Argentina, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and Spain.
An initiative from the private sector
Fairway, Forum del Camino de Santiago, was born from private initiative. It is promoted by the wholesaler-retailer Viajes Viloria; the marketing agency Mr Turismo; and Trevisani, a company that organizes events, protocol and public relations and communication.

It has the main sponsorship of the Post Office; the institutional collaboration of the Deputation of A Coruña and the Council of Santiago; and the support of Paradores, Santiago Cathedral, Galician Tourism Cluster and different sponsoring and collaborating entities.

Wednesday November 15th, 2017

The second edition of Fairway approached in a global and transversal way the phenomenon of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago bringing together the agents and professionals who work around its routes

The Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Galicia lived from 12 to Tuesday 14 an event that summed congress, fair and workshop with international tour operators […]
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The Galician Family Destination Brand launches two new tools to publicise this specialized offer

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Wednesday July 20th, 2016

Associations of private shelters denounce malpractice and unfair competition in the Camino de Santiago

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Wednesday June 22nd, 2016

Two new entities join the Cluster Turismo Galicia

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