Tuesday June 27th, 2023

Galicia has a summer of great music festivals ahead

The Son do Camiño, held from June 15 to 17, brought together more than 130,000 people. Resurrection Fest, Ortigueira Festival, Morriña Fest or Gozo Festival are […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2023

‘Galicia feels good’, the tourist campaign of the Galician Tourism Agency for this summer

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation event, which was hosted by the Baiona Parador. Galicia, prepared for the summer […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2023

SEGITTUR connects the circular economy to the tourism sector with its manuals for destinations and companies and the guide to good practices

The presentation took place last Thursday, June 15, in Sanxenxo. With these publications, SEGITTUR continues to support the tourism sector and the sustainability. The Good Practices […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2023

16 Galician micro-enterprises will be able to participate in the international Ecotours project to revitalize circular and sustainable tourism

This initiative, co-financed by the European Commission, seeks to empower local communities by turning them into co-development laboratories for circular and sustainable tourism ecosystems. The project […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2023

The Tourism Cluster makes available to tourist organizations a free consultancy service for obtaining or maintaining the Q for Quality and the S for Sustainability

The consultancy service, financed through collaboration agreements formalized by the Galicia Tourism Agency-Xunta de Galicia, is free. Turismo de Galicia has published a line of aid […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2023

The Tourism Cluster celebrates its first decade by joining efforts to consolidate Galicia as a quality, competitive and differentiated destination

decisions for Galician tourism. The increase in competitiveness, professionalization and internationalization have been the priority lines of this first decade of work. Today the Cluster is […]
Enoturismo Galicia

La voz del turismo

El Clúster Turismo de Galicia es una agrupación de empresas vinculadas por una misma cadena de valor e que desarrollan sus actividades en un espacio geográfico concreto, Galicia, en torno al sector turístico, ya sea como actividad principal o complementaria.
Su objetivo es constituirse en la Voz del Turismo, vertebrando una oferta tan rica y diversa como la gallega y promoviendo actividades de colaboración que permitan mejorar la competitividad, la innovación y la internacionalización de este sector.




app-cartel galicia destino familiar

Disfruta Galicia en Familia

Galicia Destino Familiar es una iniciativa del Clúster de Turismo de Galicia que tiene como principal objetivo posicionar Galicia como el mejor destino para los viajes en familia. Se trata de dar visibilidad a los establecemientos gallegos especializados en el segmento familiar: alojamientos, restaurantes, etc., que disponen de instalaciones, actividades u otros servicios adaptados y pensados para familias. Descubre con Galicia Destino Familiar el viaje soñado para ti y los tuyos.

galicia destino familiar

Puedes descargarte la aplicación en Google Play o en AppleStore


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