Sunday December 19th, 2021

Galicia and the North of Portugal join forces to promote river tourism

The boat of the project “Río Miño, a navigable destination” has already made its presentation crossing.   The consolidation of the stretch of the Miño river […]
Thursday December 16th, 2021

Rimartes is born, an experiential tourism project articulated around underwater heritage

The vice-president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated in the launch in Lariño of this initiative of the GALP Costa Sostible, Costa da Morte and Golfo […]
Wednesday December 15th, 2021

The role of sustainability, heritage and experiences to forge a competitive tourist destination will be the subject of debate on 21 December in Cambados

The Cluster promotes this networking event in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and the Xunta de Galicia through the Galicia Tourism Agency.   Tourism […]
Monday December 13th, 2021

The Xunta entrusts the Galicia Tourism Cluster with the promotion of the region as a safe destination and the search for new consumers

An agreement will allow the allocation of 1.5 million euros over the next three years to carry out campaigns, participate in trade fairs and congresses, and […]
Saturday December 11th, 2021

The Accelerator of Tourism Projects of the Xunta awards four innovative projects

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation of awards and diplomas of the first promotion of Turislab.   The work of the […]
Friday December 10th, 2021

The deadlines for two postcovid grants for the hotel and catering industry have been extended until 17 December

The beneficiary establishments have one more week to justify the execution of their equipment and digitalisation projects.   The heads of the hotel and catering establishments […]
Enoturismo Galicia

La voz del turismo

El Clúster Turismo de Galicia es una agrupación de empresas vinculadas por una misma cadena de valor e que desarrollan sus actividades en un espacio geográfico concreto, Galicia, en torno al sector turístico, ya sea como actividad principal o complementaria.
Su objetivo es constituirse en la Voz del Turismo, vertebrando una oferta tan rica y diversa como la gallega y promoviendo actividades de colaboración que permitan mejorar la competitividad, la innovación y la internacionalización de este sector.




app-cartel galicia destino familiar

Disfruta Galicia en Familia

Galicia Destino Familiar es una iniciativa del Clúster de Turismo de Galicia que tiene como principal objetivo posicionar Galicia como el mejor destino para los viajes en familia. Se trata de dar visibilidad a los establecemientos gallegos especializados en el segmento familiar: alojamientos, restaurantes, etc., que disponen de instalaciones, actividades u otros servicios adaptados y pensados para familias. Descubre con Galicia Destino Familiar el viaje soñado para ti y los tuyos.

galicia destino familiar

Puedes descargarte la aplicación en Google Play o en AppleStore


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