Sunday April 3rd, 2022

More than a hundred Galician tourist establishments will be able to benefit from aid to improve their energy efficiency.

Galicia will receive 7.8 million euros from the programme approved at the last meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference.   Galician tourist accommodation (hotels, campsites, rural […]
Saturday April 2nd, 2022

Jesús Picallo encourages the participants in Turislab to put their innovative projects at the service of the future of the sector

The vice-president of the Cluster participated in the opening ceremony of the second edition of the Xunta’s Tourism Startups Accelerator.   The second edition of the […]
Friday April 1st, 2022

Galicia opened up new opportunities in the US tourism market

The Galicia Tourism Cluster and the companies Tee Travel and Interrías participated in the Spain Tourism Summit held in Miami.   Opening up new business opportunities […]
Tuesday March 29th, 2022

Galician tourism knocks on the doors of the American market from Miami

The Galicia Tourism Cluster and the companies Tee Travel and Interrías are participating this week in the Spain Tourism Summit 2022.   Galicia will be present […]
Monday March 28th, 2022

Cesáreo Pardal stresses that sustainability marks the roadmap of the Galician tourism sector

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated today in the presentation of the “S” seal of Sustainability, promoted by the Institute for Tourism Quality of […]
Sunday March 27th, 2022

The Open Days of the Galician Wine Routes ensure their continuity until 2025

The Xunta has just approved the signing of collaboration agreements with the five routes, which will receive a total of 390,000 euros to finance an activity […]
Enoturismo Galicia

La voz del turismo

El Clúster Turismo de Galicia es una agrupación de empresas vinculadas por una misma cadena de valor e que desarrollan sus actividades en un espacio geográfico concreto, Galicia, en torno al sector turístico, ya sea como actividad principal o complementaria.
Su objetivo es constituirse en la Voz del Turismo, vertebrando una oferta tan rica y diversa como la gallega y promoviendo actividades de colaboración que permitan mejorar la competitividad, la innovación y la internacionalización de este sector.




app-cartel galicia destino familiar

Disfruta Galicia en Familia

Galicia Destino Familiar es una iniciativa del Clúster de Turismo de Galicia que tiene como principal objetivo posicionar Galicia como el mejor destino para los viajes en familia. Se trata de dar visibilidad a los establecemientos gallegos especializados en el segmento familiar: alojamientos, restaurantes, etc., que disponen de instalaciones, actividades u otros servicios adaptados y pensados para familias. Descubre con Galicia Destino Familiar el viaje soñado para ti y los tuyos.

galicia destino familiar

Puedes descargarte la aplicación en Google Play o en AppleStore


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