Ourense, perfect getaway plan


Ourense, perfect getaway plan

The province was also the protagonist of the presentation of the first cross-border tourist package and the presentation of the Manzaneda-Trevinca brand

With the actress Miryam Gallego as an exception representative, Ourense presented in Madrid its new promotional campaign. Under the title “Ourense, a perfect plan”, the city of Burgas was presented as a place to discover a land full of possibilities, gastronomy, thermalism, art, avant-garde, history … advancing in the idea of ​​better bundling the offer Ourensana centered on the thermal, gastronomic and cultural offer of the city, with special attention to the special trains that connect the city with other geographical points and that make it a perfect destination for weekend breaks and bridges, especially in autumn, although The goal is also to seasonal and bet on an attractive city all year round.

Supported by these resources, Ourense singles out its offer as an ideal destination for family tourism and is committed to the seasonal adjustment of traditional tourism, according to Ourensean councilor Jesús Vázquez, who was accompanied by the actress Myriam Gallego and the Councilor for Tourism and Spa, Jorge Pumar.

Chaves-Verín presents the first cross-border tourist product
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Eurociudad Chaves-Verín presented the first cross-border tourist package of the European Union, a proposal that revolves around the thermal route and the Verín-Chaves-Vidago Water giving the possibility of acquiring a package of 4 days (3 nights) in the Eurocity of the water to know the three thermal villas, Verín-Chaves-Vidago from 195 euros per person / day.
The package, which will be marketed by CN Travel in Spain and Portugal, will be available online and in travel agencies throughout the year. In this way, the Eurocity Chaves-Verín achieves the objective of commercializing its main promotional reference of the destination cross-border.

Presentation of the brand Manzaneda-Trevinca
Through INORDE, the Madrid event also hosted for the first time the presentation of this destination Ourense, Manzaneda-Trevinca under the motto “I want to go, I want to feel”. A brand that groups 13 councils of the province and that focuses its commitment to the development of sports tourism, astroturismo, enogastroturismo and active tourism. In addition, the two regions enjoy two poles of attraction of the flow of visitors as it is the highest point of Galicia: Trevinca, and the Destination Starlight, both belonging to the Concello de A Veiga.
The image of the destination was elaborated with the most representative colors of the territory: white of the snow, red of the wine mencía -ayer remembered that it also reflects the godello-, orange of the roads and of the heritage -Vía Nova, Camiño de Inverno- , Nature green and sky blue.