The initiative promoted by the Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia now has around thirty members.
The companies that join before September 30th will be eligible for a line of aid to design new tourism products.
Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club is growing again. Nine companies from the tourism and hospitality sector have just joined this initiative promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia, which means that the total number of members is now close to thirty. The new members are Hotel Villa Covelo, Viajes Interrías, Casa do Romualdo, Hotel Carlos I Silgar, Gran Talaso Hotel Sanxenxo, Piragüilla, Abramar Viajes, Bluscus and Culler de Pau, the latter becoming the first restaurant to join Galicia Destino Sostible.
All of them will benefit from advantages in the field of promotion, training or networking and will be part of the Galicia Destino Sostible website (, designed to serve as a meeting point between companies and customers, facilitate access to all the sustainable tourism offer in Galicia and act as a guarantee, not only of sustainability, but also of the quality of the services that will be offered there. In addition, they will be eligible for the line of aid set up with funding from the Xunta for the creation of new sustainable products. In total, more than 300,000 euros can be distributed, although to be eligible for this aid, which will be articulated through a system of sponsorship, it is necessary to join the club before 30 September. The grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
The nine new members of the club join Ruteart, Praxxis inclusión cooperativa galega, Hotel O Semáforo de Fisterra,Camping Paisaxe II, MEGA Mundo Estrella Galicia, Tee Travel, Rodeiramar Apartamentos, Siente Galicia, Albarari, Hotel Bela Fisterra, Casa de Cacheiro, Club Náutico de Portonovo, Hotel Bosque Mar, SIMPLY GALICIA, LORYGAR SL (A Quinta da Auga), Viajes Tambre, S.L., Ribeira Sacra Leisure & Lodging. Casa das Xacias, Alecrin Actividades y aventura, and Atlantis Adventure Turismo Activo S.L.
Any Galician company in the fields of accommodation, restaurants, travel agencies and tourism providers can join this initiative as long as they meet the established requirements. Those who have any official sustainability certification (S from the ICTE, Biosphere, Green Key, EU Ecolabel, Green Globe21, Travellife, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Green Star from the MICHELIN Guide, etc.) or an environmental certification (ISO 14000, EMAS, etc.) can join the club directly, as these are considered qualifying requirements. Companies that do not have any of these certifications must comply with 100% of the mandatory requirements and at least 33% of the requirements considered assessable. All information on the requirements, benefits and procedure is available at