New line of support for the creation of joint tourism initiatives that stimulate the rural Galician


New line of support for the creation of joint tourism initiatives that stimulate the rural Galician

Under the premise of promoting the implementation of projects that bring value and help boost for tourism Galician rural, Tourism Galicia opens a new line of support for the creation of joint innovative initiatives promoted by small tour operators to work together on proposals aimed at the development and marketing of tourism in small towns.

With a budget of 600,000 euros, the initiative aims and filed Formenta cooperation between microenterprises in rural Galicia for the implementation of projects aimed at the marketing of tourism products that meet the requirements proposed by the government.

Thus, tourism products object of the aid will have to be innovative and must meet one of the following subject lines: products header brand Galicia products for creating offer family or senior tourism products for the generation a distinctive offer that fits the concept “what to do in Galicia when it rains ?, routes and innovative products or discovery of new market niches, built on the idea of ​​the products” Celtic culture of Galicia “or products based on the creation weekends, bridges or other time periods thematic.

Packages linked to the Camino de Santiago

In addition, products that articulate a proposal coordinated with each other accommodations for the different stages Ways of Santiago in Galicia, including maintenance services and transfers to facilitate a comprehensive package pilgrims are included.

Also in the framework of the action “Beyond the Road” included in the Master Plan of the Camino de Santiago, it is included the creation and promotion of tourist packages that encourage pilgrims to stay in our community to meet other aspects of its offer tourist other than the Jacobean Route.

Competitive basis and eligible concepts

The granting of such aid be processed on a competitive basis valuing positively the companies involved in the initiative are more than two, that products contribute the seasonality of Galician tourism, that the applicant company certifies its commitment to quality, offering accessible tourist products as well as innovation and uniqueness.

The aid intensity will get a maximum of 70% pudendal not exceed the amount of 30,000 euros and will be eligible expenses editing brochures and other media promotion and dissemination, organization of seminars and conducting promotional campaigns, trips promotion and familiarization, the development of ICTs in management as well as inventory material “bicycles, playgrounds, sports equipment, educational, office kit, or packaging packaging- and funxible derived from the launch of new products.

More information about support