New call for grants for travel agencies for an amount of 650,000 euros

These subsidies from the Galicia Tourism Agency are aimed at product creation, marketing of Galicia as a destination and digital transformation.


Travel agencies have a new line of financial aid to deal with the consequences of the covid pandemic and relaunch their activity. The call just launched by the Galicia Tourism Agency is endowed with a budget of 650,000 euros from the operational programme Feder Galicia 2014-2020 and provides 100% funding for expenditure in two different areas.


The first heading of this aid refers to the creation of a product and/or marketing of the Galicia destination and includes expenses such as the design and preparation of communication media (audiovisuals, brochures, posters, advertisements, merchandising, etc.), ICT development (information and communication technologies), online promotion (updating websites, SEO positioning, digital marketing) and membership of purchasing groups or management of tools for the creation and/or marketing of the Galicia destination.


The other line of eligible expenses focuses on digital transformation: cost of management software licences for 2022, expenses for service marketing tools for the same year, purchase of computer equipment, assistance in programming, development and maintenance of information systems, and assistance for digitisation activities (platform management, content creation, network management, etc.).


Beneficiaries may subsidise expenses incurred between 1 January and 30 October of this year. The deadline for submitting applications is one month from 31 May.