In order to attract prospective students for the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia, central and Tourism Galicia have launched Challenge Hotel Management, an educational contest hotel management to students from first and second high school with a vocation in the sector hotelier and restaurateur.
This initiative, which will enable young people to become owners of a virtual hotel, which will have to take charge of their management, will enable them to demonstrate “their talents and skills of teamwork and entrepreneurial spirit”, as explained from Turismo de Galicia . The deadline for students to register is open until April 8. The prize for the winning team will be a weekend at the Hotel Hesperia A Coruna with a site visit by the director of the establishment where they can afondar hoteleiro in operation even. The registration period begins today and ends on Friday April 8.
Dynamic competition
Participating students must form groups of three or four participants who will become the steering committee of a hotel. The game will have two phases, the qualifying phase, which is entirely made through the network, introducing decisions in the online gaming platform, and the grand finale which will involve the finalists and to be held in person in the school premises. In this qualifying round they will have to simulate three years of life of a hotel, one for each fiscal year of the hotel, and its decisions will shape economic performance and quality of hotel service.
All teams start the game with a hotel that is in the same initial situation, and throughout the competition should make decisions on key areas of hotel management, so that playing and deciding to go you know how it works and manages a hotel and above all, they will learn from the results obtained from their own decisions.
In the final phase, to be held on 14 May, in an open house in the facilities of the Center, each team will have a room like a board of directors is involved, and a similar simulation will face to the qualifiers, but with a higher level of difficulty.
New image
This initiative was born with the aim of adding to the usual recruitment campaign CSHG students a new way to be known among prospective students, in a more practical and didactic way. Another new Center for this year 2016 is the renewal of its corporate image and includes a new course and a new website will carry the design of new uniforms for students practices.