More than a hundred restaurants take part in the Écociña no Camiño campaign


More than a hundred restaurants take part in the Écociña no Camiño campaign

The Cluster showed its support for this initiative presented in Vilanova de Arousa by Nava Castro.


The restaurants located on the margins of the different pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela are the recipients of Écociña no Camiño, the new campaign that has just been presented by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, in Vilanova de Arousa. The port of Vilanova de Arousa was the place chosen for the launch of an initiative to which the Galician Tourism Cluster also wanted to show its support through its president, Cesáreo Pardal, who was present at the event that brought together restaurateurs and bloggers specialised in gastronomy.


The aim of this new campaign is to make visible the sustainable practices of the hospitality industry on the Way of St James promoting local cuisine and Galician products among pilgrims and tourists. More than a hundred restaurants are participating in this initiative which have also joined the marketplaces with their local products. “The Way is the best showcase of Galicia and in it we have to offer the best of ourselves,” explained Nava Castro during the event held in Vilanova de Arousa.


The presentation of the campaign consisted of a culinary demonstration in which chefs from the Derby restaurant (Vilagarcía de Arousa), the Hotel Restaurante Alte Frankfurt (Vilanova de Arousa) and the Gastrolab Arousa gave shape to various recipes with products from the estuary.


Similar exhibitions in Muxía and the Ribeira Sacra, in addition to a programme of activities that will take place on the Camino for a week with free tastings for pilgrims and activities open to the public in the marketplaces, will give continuity to the campaign Écociña no Camiño. In these events, in addition to offering products prepared by local chefs, a pedagogical work will be carried out on the advantages of acquiring local products and the importance of sustainability.