Galician hotels set their record for travellers and overnight stays in 2022

Galicia and the Basque Country were the only two regions in which the total number of hotel nights last year exceeded the figures for 2019.


Hotels in A Coruña accumulated 44% of overnight stays, while those in Pontevedra accounted for 37% and those in Lugo and Ourense, 12% and 7%, respectively.


Galician establishments also achieved record occupancy and profitability.


2022 was a good year for Galician hotels, which in general terms managed to exceed the occupancy and business levels prior to the pandemic and set new records in terms of the number of travellers accommodated and the total number of overnight stays. This is reflected in the report on Hotel Occupancy in Galicia corresponding to 2022 that has just been made public by the Galicia Tourism Studies and Research Area (AEITG) and which includes as its two main data the 4.7 million travellers accommodated last year in our hotels and the total number of overnight stays of 9.1 million, which represents an increase of 49% and 40%, respectively, with respect to 2021, and 5.4% and 1.2% in relation to 2019, the last year prior to the pandemic.


According to the AEITG, the growth with respect to 2021 is general in all the autonomous communities, but Galicia and the Basque Country are the only ones that have managed to exceed the pre-pandemic data.


As for the origin of the travellers staying in Galician hotels last year, 52.4% of these 9.1 million overnight stays corresponded to national tourists, while 24% went to residents in Galicia and 23.6% to foreigners, with Portugal being the main source market ahead of the United States, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom.


By provinces, A Coruña was the most demanded by travellers staying in hotels, with almost 4 million overnight stays (44% of the total in Galicia), while Pontevedra registered 3.38 million overnight stays (37%), Lugo 1 million (12%) and Ourense 653,000 (7%). In fact, the strong increase in A Coruña with respect to 2019 in the number of overnight stays, which grew by 7.8%, is what has allowed Galicia to offer a total figure higher than that of 2019 compensating for the slight decreases in Lugo (-4%), Ourense (-3.7%) and Pontevedra (-3.2%).


The AEITG report also explains that hotel rates in Galicia during 2022 stood at an average of 67.9 euros per room, which represents an increase of 5.9% compared to 2021 and 13.9% compared to 2019. This translates into an increase in profitability per room of 32% over 2021 and 19% over 2019, also raising the calculation of total hotel revenues over the past year to 367 million euros: 47% more than in 2021 and 15% more than during 2019.