Galician hotels increase their profitability by 7% in the first five months of the year

Galician hotels increase their profitability by 7% in the first five months of the year

  • In May, 552,000 travelers stayed in these establishments, an increase of 16% compared to the previous year.

Hotel establishments in Galicia, both hotels and guesthouses, have achieved record numbers in May, improving their profitability and registering a notable increase in travelers and overnight stays, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). During this month, 552,000 travelers stayed in these establishments, accumulating more than 911,000 nights, which represents an increase of 16% in the number of travelers and 14.5% in overnight stays, figures that exceed pre-pandemic levels. and are above the Spanish average.


The growth of international tourism in Galicia has been particularly notable, with an increase of 23% in May. This positions Galicia as the third community with the highest growth in this period, only behind Aragón and Cantabria. This growth has not only been reflected in the number of visitors, but also in the quality of hotel profitability, which has experienced an increase of 17% in May. With these figures, it is estimated that the Galician hotel sector reached nominal total income of 39.8 million euros during that month, which represents an increase of 17% compared to the previous year.


These excellent results for May extend to the accumulated results of the year. From January to May, Galician hotels and guesthouses have improved their profitability by 7%, with total nominal income of 114.4 million euros, exceeding the income of the same period last year by 8.7%.


At a global level, and waiting for the INE to publish data on non-hotel establishments, Galicia has so far registered 1.9 million travelers, accumulating 3.2 million nights.