With the publication of the Official Document of Galicia last Friday, November 17, the Xunta opens the call to apply subsidies for driving projects for tourism in the area around the Camino de Santiago.
Small, medium-sized (SMEs) and large companies that plan to make an investment for the start-up of a new tourist establishment located in the Galician community may be beneficiaries of this aid.
The new establishment must be created according to one of the following typologies: hotel establishments, apartments, tourist homes, rural tourism establishments, tourist lodges or catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars).
Two types of project can be differentiated: the first, projects that drive competitiveness and tourism sustainability, which must meet a minimum of the following issues: creation of at least 5 direct jobs; creation of links with public and private agents in the territory that can exert a leverage effect in the tourism sector or other sectors of activity; creation of a new tourist establishment that promotes sustainable tourism. They will be eligible for the following amounts per company category: 35% for small companies, 25% for medium-sized companies, and 25% for large companies.
The second type of project is for those initiatives that drive cultural tourism, which must comply with all the requirements, which are: the creation of the establishment must be linked to the enhancement and improvement or rehabilitation of an asset of cultural interest. ; At least 80% of the annual temporal or spatial capacity will be allocated to cultural purposes. For this category, you will be eligible for a maximum aid of 80% of the eligible costs up to the maximum limit of 2,200,000 euros per project.
In both cases, the projects must amount to a minimum investment of 300,000 euros; contribute to the creation of accommodation or restaurant offerings; be located in the surroundings of the Camino de Santiago; have a prior favorable report from the Tourism Agency at the time of submitting the aid application; develop in emblematic, historical infrastructures, of scenic interest or assets of cultural interest; and have the authorization or urban or sectoral license, both municipal and from other public organizations or administrations.
Interested entities must provide with the application documentation that proves the full availability of the land and buildings on which the actions will be carried out; an explanatory report defining in detail the investment and the actions to be carried out; in addition to other documentation that varies depending on the type of company requesting help or the type of project selected.
The budget is divided into three lines of action: line 1, Sustainable rehabilitation of buildings and adaptation of emblematic infrastructures for the launch of a new tourist establishment, with a budget of €2,625,000, line 2, Efficiency measures energy in emblematic buildings for the launch of a new tourist establishment, with a budget of €1,075,000, and line 3, Improvement of accessibility in emblematic buildings for the launch of a new tourist establishment, with a budget of €300,000.
The application submission period is open until March 18, 2024 through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, procedure code TU503H.