The Xunta summons the aid DeseñaPeme and InnovaPeme 2023

  • Aimed at financing activities in design plans for innovation and sustainability, and in innovation plans and organization processes for the systematization and internationalization of the company’s innovation processes.
  • They may be requested until August 14 at 11:59 p.m.


The Xunta de Galicia convened for another year the DeseñaPeme and InnovaPeme Grants, under a competitive concurrence regime. Microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, or third-sector social action entities with economic activity accrediting the SME and non-profit category can apply for aid from this program.


The purpose of the aid is to finance the activities integrated into plans that allow the systematization and strengthening of the company’s innovation. In each application, SMEs may include one or both lines of aid, which support two different and complementary types of plans: Design, which includes design plans for innovation and sustainability; and Innova, which includes innovation plans and organization processes.


The plans must constitute a complete and coherent set of activities for each of the lines. The maximum duration of each one will be until September 30, 2023. In addition, in the Innova line they must have a minimum duration of 12 months.


Eligible direct costs are the costs of personnel, own or newly hired; acquisition of industrial property; material, supplies and similar products; subcontracting; obtaining, validation and defense of patents and other intangible assets, obtaining certifications; advisory services in the field of design and/or innovation; innovation support services; and inventory equipment and instruments. In addition, indirect eligible costs are also considered, which will be the amount resulting from applying a percentage of 20% to the direct costs of the plan.


The budget for each of the lines is €3 M for InnovaPeme and €1.5 M for DeseñaPeme. The eligible budget is a minimum of €50,000 and a maximum of €150,000 for each plan. The aid will be 50%, with the non-refundable grant: between €25,000 to €75,000 per plan. In total, an SME can obtain up to €150,000. In addition, an advance of up to 60% of the granted subsidy will be received and, for the first year, up to 100% of the granted subsidy may be requested.

You can request the aid through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, procedure code IN848D. It may be requested until August 14 at 11:59 p.m.