The Xunta de Galicia announces a line of aid for projects in the area of socioeconomic influence of the National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia for 2023. This area corresponds to the surface of the municipalities of Bueu, Ribeira, Vilagarcía de Arousa and Vigo.
The subsidies, with a total investment of about 150,000 euros and under a competitive bidding regime, will be for a maximum of 8,000 euros, and may cover 100% of the eligible investment.
Small and medium-sized companies whose headquarters are located in the area of socioeconomic influence of the National Park are beneficiaries of these aids; autonomous business persons or community property; registered persons holding a concession in the area of influence of this protected area; non-profit institutions; and public law entities whose activity is related to the use of renewable natural resources in the area.
The eligible activities can be initiatives aimed at the conservation or restoration of the natural heritage with an ecological value; to the elimination of any type of impact on the natural or cultural values that justified the creation of the National Park; to guarantee the compatibility of traditional activities and uses with the purpose and objectives of national parks; to the conservation or restoration of architectural heritage; the start-up of economic activities related to the National Park; to the maintenance or recovery of the traditional constructive typology; to dissemination and training among the local population; and the enhancement or recovery and dissemination of archaeological, ethnographic and cultural heritage.
The application submission period is open until Friday, June 9, at 11:59 p.m., through the official electronic office of the Xunta de Galicia, with the procedure code MT821LA.