Sálvora Island, BIC future

The Department of Environment of the Xunta de Galicia has taken steps to Sálvora Island, part of the Atlantic Islands National Park along with the Cies Islands, Ons and Cortegada is declared as place of Cultural Interest (BIC). To this end the Xunta de Galicia takes some time carrying out rehabilitation work in different parts of the island that are aimed at achieving this goal, rehabilitation and conservation work for this consellería has allocated a budget of 230,000 euros.

In a first phase of rehabilitation they have been undertaken restoration work and conservation of the area, mainly focused on the restoration of the village, inside the houses and retrieval of objects that will later be used as spare exposicón of a future museum, work in the who they have been working a group of volunteers in a work camp

Thanks to these efforts in restoring the site, as well as its promotion and dissemination, are increasingly people who each year come to this natural area. According to information provided by the regional government, is expected to exceed ten thousand visitors this year, some data that put manifest Sálvora consolidation as an outstanding tourist destination.