The Santiago Chamber of Commerce promotes a trade mission of the tourism sector to the TTG fair in Rimini

The Santiago Chamber of Commerce promotes a trade mission of the tourism sector to the TTG fair in Rimini

A group of 22 companies from the Galician tourism sector has participated in the main trade fair of Italy, the TTG Tourism Fair in Rimini (Italy), in an action organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago within its International Promotion Plan financed with FEDER funds. Hotels, wholesalers and travel agencies were part of the trade mission in which businesspeople from different Galician provinces participated. During the three days of the fair, they kept in touch with Tour Operators and wholesalers from Italy and the rest of Europe.

The TTG Fair brought together 2,500 exhibitors, 70,000 attendees and 1,000 companies of international purchase of tourist packages, with a very entrepreneurial approach prioritizing B2B contacts between operators. The Italian market already represents the third largest number of visitors to our community from abroad, with about 150,000 travelers staying and 215,000 nights in establishments in Galicia the Italian market in 2016, behind Portugal and Germany representing 9.4% of the total international tourism and with continued growth in the last five years.
The Italian market is also a major factor on the Camino de Santiago, since in 2015 and 2016, it was the first foreign country to register more pilgrims contributing to the Camino de Santiago.