The Accelerator of Tourism Projects of the Xunta awards four innovative projects

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation of awards and diplomas of the first promotion of Turislab.


The work of the Accelerator of Tourism Projects, Turislab, launched by the Xunta de Galicia to promote innovative proposals in the sector is already bearing its first fruits. This could be seen in the awards and diplomas ceremony of the first promotion held Saturday 11th with the participation of the first vice-president of the Xunta and Regional Minister of Presidency, Justice and Tourism, Alfonso Rueda, and the president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal. Both highlighted the importance of this initiative and congratulated the participants and award winners for their work.


The first prize went to a sustainable cabin project called Suites Natures, which has already begun to materialise with the construction of the first lodgings in the province of Pontevedra. The second prize went to Ruta Nacional VI, a proposal inspired by US Route 66 that seeks to enhance the attractions of the road linking A Coruña and Madrid through the slow travel model. LuXperience won the third prize for its mixed reality experience project based on the cultural heritage of various tourist areas. The members of the jury also awarded Capptus Apps Turísticas, an application aimed at tourist guides, as the project that experienced the greatest evolution during the programme of this first Accelerator.


The awards ceremony marked the end of the first edition of a programme that has created 36 jobs among the 10 selected projects and attracted 36 collaborators. The closing ceremony allowed the ten participating entrepreneurs to explain the strong points of their initiatives and present their ideas that had evolved after the acceleration process.


The work developed within the framework of Turislab is part of the guidelines of the 2021-2023 Galicia Safe Destination Master Plan developed by the Xunta, the Galicia Tourism Cluster and the three Galician universities and will also contribute to maximising the tourism potential of the community by taking advantage of the development of Xacobeo 21-22.