Galicia, seventh community that Spaniards choose to travel

  • Last year there was an increase of more than 5% in overnight stays and trips to the community by tourists residing in Spain, resulting in spending that exceeded €2.5 billion.

Galicia emerged as a highly attractive destination during 2023, with almost ten million trips made by residents in Spain, most of them oriented towards leisure and enjoyment. According to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the Galician community registered a total of 9.8 million trips, thus consolidating itself as the seventh most popular destination within the Spanish territory. .


In terms of spending, Spaniards allocated a considerable sum to their trips, reaching 58.75 billion euros over the course of the year, including both trips within the country and abroad. This increase in average spending per trip, which reached 73 euros per day per person, contributed to setting record figures in total spending.


Travel not only represented a leisure experience, but also an important source of income for Galicia. The data reveals that residents of Spain spent around €2,546 million in the region, placing it as the sixth most preferred region for spending, and surpassing recognized tourist destinations such as the Canary Islands.


Regarding the duration of stays, Galicia stood out for an average stay time of 4.43 days, positioning itself as the fifth community with the longest stays in the entire country. The reasons for the trips were diverse, from visits to friends and family to beach, nature, cultural and religious tourism, especially linked to the Camino de Santiago. These trips generated more than 43.5 million overnight stays in the region.