Galicia, Castilla y Leon, Asturias and Portugal jointly promoted the Camino de Santiago

The regions agreed to promote greater tourism development of their heritage assets and combine them with the cuisine, oenology and nature

With the aim of creating common products that allow different territories for tourism boost, Galicia participated in a working meeting of the Macro Region Southwest Europe (RESOE) to set future goals. RESOE, consisting of Galicia, Castilla y Leon, Asturias and the north and center of Portugal seeks to create common links that allow conjutamente work and promote these terriotrios, projecting internationally and encouraging the exchange of visitors between them.

In this regard, it was agreed to prepare a draft work that includes this year the Camino de Santiago, the assets declared World Heritage by UNESCO and Císter places, combining all these proposals with the gastronomic, enological supply and natural resources. A larger, it was agreed that the next meeting of the working group will take place around next November in Santiago de Compostela.
Tourism concept RESOE

The main objective of the estretaegia of RESOE is to join efforts to market common tourism products. Thus, the RESOE may promote generic products for the region as the routes of Camino de Santiago, World Heritage Site, the Great Cathedrals, of the Nature Reserves Heritage, Great Shrines and Pilgrimages, of Gastronomy and Enology and monasteries. At the same time, the action will develop specific products related to periodic or events such as the Easter Road or the commemoration in 2017 of the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima.