Galicia is committed to thermalism as a strategic driver for tourism with a plan of 10 million euros until 2028

Galicia is committed to thermalism as a strategic driver for tourism with a plan of 10 million euros until 2028

  • The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, presented on Friday, January 17, the new Galicia Thermal Tourism Plan 2025-2028.


The new Thermal Tourism Plan announced by the Xunta de Galicia outlines a roadmap designed to consolidate the community as a European benchmark in the field of health and well-being tourism. During the presentation event, in which a delegation from the Galicia Tourism Cluster was present led by its president, Cesáreo Pardal, the vice president, Jesús Picallo Santos, the treasurer, Alfonso Martínez, and the former president Francisco González, the commitment of the sector with this sustainable development model.


With a planned investment of 10 million euros, the plan seeks to modernize, diversify and strengthen a sector that not only strengthens the Galician economy, but also contributes to the deseasonalization of tourism. According to the data provided, more than 60% of visits to Galicia take place outside of the high season, which shows the positive impact of thermalism as a tool to balance tourist demand throughout the year.


Galicia is the second European region with the largest reserves of mineral-medicinal waters and concentrates 20% of the Spanish thermal supply. “Thermalism is not only an economic opportunity, but also a hallmark that reflects what Galicia Calidade means,” highlighted the president of the Xunta.



Strategic axes of the plan


The Galicia Thermal Tourism Plan 2025-2028 is structured into four fundamental axes that will mark the lines of action in the coming years:


  • Knowledge and innovation:

The creation of a research observatory, good practice manuals and training programs will provide the sector with tools to make it more competitive and sustainable.


  • Investment and modernization:

With a budget of 8 million euros, the improvement of existing infrastructure will be promoted and the creation of new facilities will be encouraged, expanding the thermal offering and adapting it to market demands.


  • Management and collaboration:

The plan promotes efficient coordination between administrations, maximizing the use of resources such as European Next Generation funds to finance initiatives such as Territorial Tourism Sustainability Plans.


  • Promotion and diversification:

With innovative projects such as the Galicia Spa Pilgrimage, which merges the experience of the Camino de Santiago with the thermal offer, we seek to position Galicia as a unique destination for wellness tourism.


With this plan, Galicia reaffirms its commitment to a sustainable and competitive tourism model that prioritizes both economic development and the preservation of its natural and cultural heritage.