I ExpoCoruña host the Ecological Fair of Galicia


I ExpoCoruña host the Ecological Fair of Galicia

Ecology, environment, sustainability, renewable energy, green building, ideas eco-innovative, crafts, music, fashion show … all this is Ecogalia, the First Ecological Fair of Galicia, to be held in ExpoCoruña between 21 and 23 October. During those three days, A Coruña will become the epicenter of a sector that is becoming increasingly more weight in our society. The event will accommodate the wider range of activities and exhibitors on areas “bio” as food, cosmetics and textile eco, renewable energy, wellness and healthy living, ecotourism and biocultura, or the field of bio-construction. Visitors can enjoy natural grass on the ground, two gateways sustainable fashion, a concert and a Tesla car, besides knowing a Geodesic Dome, taste organic products and hear more than 50 technical talks, with the presence of Galician and national brands
ECOGALIA promotes, disseminates, markets and exposes the ultimate in Ecological Culture, through positive actions of awareness of scientific and educational conferences, forums and exhibition, public awareness, …

More information on www.ecogalia.com in info@ecogalia.com mail or call 900 812 740