Green Spain advances in the creation of the ecotourism corridor. Turismo de Galicia participates in the first great ecotourism route in Spain.

Green Spain advances in the creation of the ecotourism corridor. Turismo de Galicia participates in the first great ecotourism route in Spain.

In the first meeting of Green Spain, held in San Sebastián, the coordination of the actions of the brand promotion plan was assumed.

The main objective was the elaboration of a digital brochure, “A Gran Ruta da España Verde”.


At the meeting, which was attended by the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, the progress of the main projects was discussed, highlighting, especially the “Ecotourism Corridor of Green Spain”, a project that is financed by Next Generation funds through the Plan of Tourist Experiences of Spain. The objective of this project is to turn Green Spain into a tourist reference at an ecological and natural level, thus being the first great Ecotourism route in Spain.


At the same time, the launch of “A Gran Ruta da España Verde” was shared, a digital brochure in which the four communities are covered in sixteen stages along secondary roads, enjoying the natural environment and its heritage. cultural and gastronomic