The Galician tourism sector closes Holy Week with an occupancy of between 60% and 85%

The Galician tourism sector closes Holy Week with an occupancy of between 60% and 85%

  • Bad weather conditions reduced the number of last-minute reservations.
  • The majority profile of the tourist who came to Galicia was of national origin and proximity.

Galicia during Holy Week with occupancy percentages in the tourism sector of between 60% and 85%, figures lower than expected and which were largely influenced by the bad weather conditions that reduced the last closing reservations. hour, very common during this holiday period.


The majority profile of the tourist who came to Galicia was of national origin and proximity, and the influx of international visitors was linked to the different sections of the Camino de Santiago. The areas through which the Camino runs and rural tourism, especially in areas such as the Ribeira Sacra or the Costa da Morte, recorded the highest occupancy figures.


These are data from the survey carried out by the Galician Tourism Cluster, which also incorporates price information on digital channels. According to the webscraping tool used and which calculates the average price per night of the cheapest offer from Galician hotels, the highest figures were reached on Friday, with about 215 euros for 5-star hotels and about 65 euros for 1-star establishments.


Analysis by territory


Regarding the analysis by area, in Pontevedra occupancy was around 70%, while in Vigo it was 60%.


In Sanxenxo occupancy was around 60% and the majority traveler was national, who represented 90% of the tourists received in the town. Regarding prices, the sources consulted indicate that they remained the same, although raw materials increased by 10%.

In the city of A Coruña, hotels recorded an occupancy rate of 75% and the majority of visitors, around 90%, were of national origin.


In Santiago de Compostela, the forecasts were met without notable cancellations. Occupancy between Friday and Saturday reached 80% in hotels located outside the historic center, while figures higher than 90% were recorded in establishments located around the cathedral. These percentages drop significantly in the total calculation of the week, with a result of 60%.

In Ferrol, where Holy Week is declared of International Tourist Interest, occupancy figures were around 80%.


On the Costa da Morte, the celebration of Holy Week in Fisterra, declared of National Tourist Interest, or the renowned Mostra do Encaixe in Camariñas contributed to occupancy reaching 70%. In this area there is an increase in international tourists, linked to the Camino de Santiago.


In Ourense occupancy was around 83% and in the province of Lugo the average occupancy was 80%, highlighting areas such as Terra Chá or A Mariña.