The Galician Council of Tourism promotes the distinction of Holy Week in Santiago de Compostela as a festival of tourist interest

The Galician Council of Tourism promotes the distinction of Holy Week in Santiago de Compostela as a festival of tourist interest

This decision also extends the other celebrations such as the Butelo de A Fonsagrada Fair and the Feast of the Soup of Mourente

The Galician Council of Tourism of Galicia issued a favourable report for the Easter Week in Santiago de Compostela to advance in its recognition as a festival of tourist interest in Galicia, a decision that also extends to other celebrations such as the Feria do Butelo in the town of Lugo of A Fonsagrada and the Fiesta del Caldo de Mourente, in Pontevedra.
This agreement is the previous step to the submission of these reports to the Xunta de Galicia’s Governing Council, the body in charge of resolving this type of recognition. “Both the sector and the Galician Government have shown their firm commitment to promoting Galician Holy Week, a festival that is on the rise in our region”, explained Nava Castro, while at the same time reminding us of the other five festivals of this type that already have this recognition – Fisterra, Santa María de Paradela (Meis), Cangas, Mondoñedo and Betanzos, as well as two others – that of Ferrol and that of Viveiro – with the distinction at international level.
During the meeting, the members of the Galician Council of Tourism valued the tourism figures registered last year, when the figure of five million travellers was exceeded for the first time and it was confirmed that Galician tourism is growing in all parameters hand in hand with quality. The map of the distribution of regulated accommodation in Galicia was also analysed, taking stock of the Tourism Housing Decree, which, on the verge of being in force for one year, registered nearly 5,000 homes with a total of more than 25,000 places throughout Galicia.
Rigorousness of the decree
The members of this body also welcomed the decision of the High Court of Justice of Galicia (TSXG) which in recent months doubly ratified its support for the rigour of the Galician regulations, rejecting in full the appeals filed by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) and by an association of the sector.
He also reported on the activities that Tourism of Galicia is carrying out in terms of legislative development, such as the draft decree of camps that is being processed, as well as the actions in the field of promotion and European projects with initiatives such as the participation of Galicia in the new European route of diving tourism, the projects Eurovelo and Loci Iacobi, in the field of Xacobeo or Xêrés-Xurés in reference to nature tourism.