Cluster Turismo de Galicia signed an agreement with the Federation of Companies of Barbanza


Cluster Turismo de Galicia signed an agreement with the Federation of Companies of Barbanza

The presidents of the two entities signed a cooperation agreement to collaborate on joint actions in the tourism

Cluster Turismo Galicia (CTG) and the Federation of Companies of Barbanza (FEB) signed a collaborative agreement that allows both entities provide mutual assistance in activities of common interest, especially in the tourism sector. This was signed the president of CTG, Francisco González, and the FEB, José Ramón Romero, who expressed interest in establishing a direct channel of collaboration that allows to carry out activities to disseminate conferences, activities and actions for dialogue with their respective partners in areas of common interest.
The agreement, without financial endowment and of indefinite duration, will allow closer collaboration with this entity. In fact both entities already contributed this year to the implementation of training to improve the professionalism of Barbanza companies through workshops and training seminars offered by the Escuela de Negocios Afundación.