The three days of Fitur 24 dedicated exclusively to professionals end today with a balance of 400 meetings in the business space, enabled by the Xunta and the Tourism Agency at the Galicia stand and managed by the Tourism Cluster. More than 1,500 professionals participated in these meetings in the networking area, which in this edition expanded the number of tables available to respond to the intense activity carried out by the Galician tourism sector at this fair.
This year highlights the increase in appointments and meetings requested by Galician inbound travel agencies, who have perceived greater interest in the organization of events, smaller groups and more exclusive products.
Another of the most active tourism subsectors has been the Galician hotel sector, which has registered a significant number of encounters with web search engines, application creation companies and travel agencies.
On the institutional side in this 2024 edition, town councils, councils and associations have had numerous and very diversified meetings. Professionals from the municipalities of A Coruña, Santiago, Carnota, Ferrol, Ribeira, Padrón, Viveiro, Ribadeo, A Guardia and Tui have passed through the Cluster’s business space. Also councils such as A Coruña and Lugo and associations such as O Salnés, Ferrol Terra, A Mariña Lucense, As Mariñas.
The Camino de Santiago continues to be one of the tourist attractions that attracts the greatest interest, although there is another profile of clients who seek to live this experience in smaller groups with closer and more specialized treatment, in line with the demand for more sustainable tourism. .
Regarding international contacts, representatives from Mexico, Portugal and the United States have visited this space interested in Destination Galicia.
Throughout these three days, professionals in the sector perceive Galicia as a quality destination, with a diverse and sustainable offer.